What is One More Melatonin Plus?

Melatonin, excreted by the pineal gland in the brain, is a hormone that generally regulates the body's biorhythm.

Melatonin hormone is a light-sensitive hormone. It can be excreted in low light environments and needs darkness to be excreted efficiently.

Although it may vary from person to person, people in general excrete melatonin between 23:00 and 05:00, and the concentration of melatonin in the blood increases 3 to 10 times during these hours.

When you wake up with melatonin synthesized throughout the night, you will notice that you are rested and energetic.

In addition, melatonin production, which is excreted more in winter, decreases on sunny and bright summer days.

Melatonin hormone, which is known to affect many biological and physiological processes in the body, can directly affect many conditions from sleep disorders to psychological disorders.

The reason for the emergence of / etlag symptoms after long flights is the interruption of melatonin production.

In order for the body to release melatonin in a healthy way, it is very important to sleep in a completely dark environment at night.


Since melatonin is an important hormone that regulates the biorhythm of the body in general, it has an effect on many physiological functions.

Melatonin also functions as an antioxidant in the body. It is very effective in protection against infections, inflammations and immune system diseases.

One More Melatonin Plus is a great product to meet the daily melatonin needs at this point.

Adequate melatonin is essential for a good sleep. It is very important that the biological rhythm of the body is working correctly for a healthy and efficient sleep. When not enough melatonin is excreted, insomnia and various problems related to insomnia may arise.

When Using the Product:

  • Apply directly to the body.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and the other sensitive areas of the body.
  • Do not apply to burned and injured body parts.
  • Use carefully in case of pregnancy.
  • For external me only.
  • Do not use while working or driving.

Instructions of Use:

  • Should be applied on pre-cleaned, dry and hairless skin.
  • Open pouch and take the strip.
  • Remove paper backing.
  • Gently apply to the back of your ear or an your forehead area 1 hour before falling asleep.
  • After 8 hours of application, remove the product finIn yawr body.
